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Transfo-Quape (2020-2023)

Food Processing - QUAlity and PErception : Impacts of various transformations on the nutritional and environmental quality of foods and their repercussions on consumers' perceptions of health and naturalness

Consumers have now realized that diet is a key factor for their health. Processed industrial products, and in particular so-called «ultra-processed» products are singled out for being partly responsible for cardiovasular disease, obesity or even cancer. A classification of food products according their processing level exits (NOVA classification) but it remains relatively imprecise and does not take into account the food supply diversity in processed products.

To help put in place recommendations for consumers, manufactorers and public authorities and to build a safe and healthy food offer, the Transfo-QUAPE project will study the impacts of food processing

  • developed at different production scales : industrial, artisanal, collective catering and at home
  • on nutritional qualities : newly formed compounds and cheical markers
  • on environmental qualities : impact on climate change, biodiversity, emission of pollutants
  • on consumers' perceptions of these different dimensions in terms of impacts on their health and their possible search of naturalness.

Multi-criteria maps, based on nutritional, environmental and technological criteria will be carried out on 3 study models :

TransfoQUAPE studied models

A key point of the the project will be the development of a food processing indicator that will make it possible to objectify the debate on «ultra-procesed» foods.

The Carnot units partners are :

Logos of TransfoQUAPE project partners

See also

For more details, contact Isabelle Souchon

Research network for food innovation Qualiment