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Evaluation of pulsed light technology effect on microorganisms of industrial interest

The partnership between SQPOV unit and Claranor was initiated in 2008, with Caroline Levy's PhD on "Main factors influencing the effectiveness of Pulsed Light for decontamination of pathogenic and food spoilage microorganisms".

The partnership continued within the framework of the Beata Lux collaborative project supported by BPI France since 2009, for the creation of an aseptic decontamination sector, then with Imed Dorbani's PhD (2019-2022) on "Relative contribution of different wavelengths emitted by pulsed light to the inactivation of mold and bacterial spores".

From 2010 to 2022, Claranor's team of microboiologists and a test machine were hosted in INRAE SQPOV laboratory.

See also

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