
UMR SQPOV - Safety and Quality of Processed fruit and Vegetables

Welcome to the website of UMR Safety and quality of products from plant origin!

The research carried out within the mixed research unit Safety and Quality of Products of Plant Origin focuses on the (re)design of transformation or extraction processes applied to plants and in particular to fruits and vegetables, in a context of food transition and sustainable food.

These processes aim to control quality in its multiple dimensions (nutritional, organoleptic, health, etc.) through their optimized management throughout the processing route by integrating questions of reduction of environmental impact, as well as maximization of the use of plant biomass.

flyer du symposium Mediterranean fruit innovation

13 May 2024


First symposium "Mediterranean Fruit: Hub for Innovation"

Programm of this first symposium on innovation for mediterranean fruits on 16-17 May 2024.
Léo Lajoie
La soutenance de Léo Lajoie se déroulera le 7 juillet 2023 à huis clos.

Join us

11 June 2024

By: Barbara Gouble

PhD, internship and job offers

Practical information

Bâtiment INRAE PHI

24 January 2024

By: Barbara Gouble

Coming to SQPOV - INRAE site

The SQPOV teams are located on two sites less than a kilometer apart.
Avignon Université - Agrosciences

24 January 2024

By: Barbara Gouble

Coming to SQPOV - AU site

The SQPOV teams are located on two sites less than a kilometer apart.